Why do most straight male usually jerkoff watching cock pictures and nude selfies of other men? I don’t get why they like to download nude guy pics from internet. I think that naked men pics are okay sometimes and I also fantasize with them. I prefer to see muscular sexy boys and see how their penis looks compared to mine.

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Large cocks are better on video, because I like to see when they cum too. I also get horny watching their butts and see how sexy and beautiful they are. It’s easy to me to get a big erection watching amateur gay porn on tube sites. I prefer dudes without pubic hair, not sure about you?

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As I said, I’m a straight male guy and I just fantasize about sucking a cock. So far I only touched one. In short, most straight men I know likes to watch naked guys and they always get big erections.

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Nowadays it’s pretty common to talk with other random naked dudes in the locker room and I see a lot of camaraderie between them when talk. I saw a few that went together to the sauna and took a hot shower too. One was helping with the shampoo to the other and then he used a soap to wash his body, including balls and chest.

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I barely change clothes there but I like to watch them. Today I saw a stud pulling up his blue underwear while wearing a big wet towel. Seen as something sexual, even when it’s a man, its pretty frecuente in the US now so I like to take dirty photos and hot sex videos using my phone. You can see some examples below. I’m sure they don’t care.

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I never look naked boys, even when they try to make eye contact with me. I prefer to just say hello when passing by. I don’t care if they wants to see my naked boy, it’s normal I think. There is a twink who lives to see my dick at the gym but I don’t freak out. In fact, someday I will ask him if he wanna suck my cock. we are humans are all, right?
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